FNSrooms was born in the year 2005 hand in hand with its two founders, Jorge Prieto and Francisco Tamargo. These are years of great technological changes that affect, among other fields, tourism, taking place in 2007 a turning point in which more trips are booked online than offline. In this context, Jorge and Francisco become aware that many accommodations in Spain still do not have a website or booking engine, and they decide to help them adapt to online sales, thus developing their own Booking Engine. In parallel, they create their own reservation center and, a few years later, they begin to work on a platform that allows customers to manage all online sales from a single point. FNSmanager, the Channel Manager, is born.
On 2012, the first office is opened in Latin America, specifically in Chile and in 2013 As a result of the request of some clients and the desire to provide a comprehensive solution to their needs, FNShoteldesk, the FNSrooms PMS, was born. Thus, they complete the "All in One" solution with tools developed in the cloud, easy to use and at a good price. On 2015., acquire and reform their first accommodation in Madrid and decide to expand FNSrooms by opening the first office in Peru. In those years the development of the PMS continued and FNSgastro and FNSeventos were born at the same time that the second accommodation was founded with the CC hotels seal. On 2018, complete the development of their own electronic invoice with direct connection to SUNAT and at the beginning of 2020 FNSrooms begins its journey in Mexico where they intend to continue growing as the control of the pandemic allows a normalization of the sector.
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